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By Anne Gherini

Add paragraphIt seems unavoidable to escape the opinion that the millennial generation is the worst. Everyone seems to thrash on this generation for being selfish, lazy, spoiled, and entitled. Even those of us that fall into the appropriate age bucket often roll our eyes and wish our generation could just get its &?%! together. The media loves to play up the stereotypes from every angle, and without question, there are a number of millennials whose personal vendetta is to enforce them. That being said, with over a trillion dollars in purchasing power and over 80 million strong in the U.S. alone, it is better to try to understand this generation rather than to just label them. text here. 

Myth No. 1: Millennials are Young and Naive
When many people think about millennials they often picture someone in their early 20s: The newbie adult aimlessly wandering the streets of life in search of direction and purpose. The reality is that millennials range from 18-35 years old. This is a huge age gap. Labeling a group this big and assuming that they all act a certain way is a complete fallacy. This is the most educated generation yet. 47 percent have a college degree, and 18 percent already have a graduate degree or PHD. In addition to that, 40 percent of millennials are already parents. As hard as many try to avoid adulthood, the reality is that millennial adults are projected to outnumber Baby-boomers this year in the U.S.