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By Anne Gherini

June 7, 2007, was a date that changed the landscape for marketers. As Steve Jobs stood in front of a crowded room of Tech geeks and lovers he held up the first iPhone and said, “Your Life in the Palm Of Your Hand.” Now, many of us who already had a love for our iPods and iMacs were intrigued. I for one thought the idea was cool, yet did not see the revolutionary change that was about to happen. Sure, there were “smartphones” before, but none infiltrated the market like Apple was about to do. In my opinion, the true magic of the iPhone launched that year was the introduction of the App Store. The game accelerated in 2008 as Android was introduced and turned up the heat on the competition.

Marketers can’t afford to ignore how Millennials and their predecessors, Gen Z, consume Mobile adaptation has been rapid, especially for the millennial generation with over a trillion dollars in purchasing power alone. Marketers can’t afford to ignore how Millennials and their predecessors, Gen Z, consume.

In many respects, the changes in marketing in a mobile world have been challenging. Poor connections, limited real estate, laggy processors (compared to desktop), spotty wifi, all led marketers to constantly test ideas and strategies – many of which failed due to a poor customer experience. Mobile application monetization was even more cumbersome. The masses didn’t want to pay for products, so developers slapped banner ads, and even worse, pop-ups throughout their products to keep the lights on....